Dear freestyle/frisbee community,
Just got back from Debki so finally I can give you full final report about second freestyle beach jam and competition in Poland. Sandslash was officialy lanuched on thursday when first jammers arrived to Debki. Rest of the team mainly from Germany and Poland arrived on friday. 32 jammers arrived, 29 jammers registered for Sandslash Freestyle and 21 played in tournament. Some got lost on polish roads but finally made it 🙂
This year beach was wide and flat with hard sand to jam on ,but wind conditions changed rapidly every day. We jammed in various spots in Debki and i`m pretty sure that most of players loved river delta on the beach. Super flat and wide place shaped by the river which falls to sea, with hard sand, where in the evening you can chestroll orange sunset was highly „liked” :). On thursday and friday jamming conditions on the beach where pretty good. We had mainly jams next to ultimate fileds and there was enough place for all of us. We also had some jams at forest(!) before and after Sandslash. We are very sad that Jakub Kostel and Mystique got injured during jams on hard sand on friday.
On tournament time wind got really heavy. It was also the coldest Sandslash ever in 7 years so combined it with heavy wind it wasnt very comfortable on Saturday. But evening jam at river delta with lighter wind put huge smile on our faces (next year – definitly more jams at the river). Pairs semis where hard in these conditions but few teams handled wind. Out of two pools in open pairs Kolja Hanemann+Markus Hein and Thomas Notzel+Jan Sorensen played very well (in these conditions). Also one polish team – Kornelius and Bartek got to finals but unfortunatlly Bartek couldn`t play on sunday.
Sunday wind conditions where better, so at co-op and pairs final much more catches were completed (you can see that in execution sheets). For Co-op only 5 teams registred, so we played only one final round. Double or even triple tournament winners were Jakub Hosek and Phil Kruger who advanced to finals by wildcard and won both pairs and co-op with Jan Sorensen. Jan also collected 3 awards including Spirit of the Party and open pairs 2nd place with a 2013 champion Thomas Notzel. Women world champions 2014 team Bianca+Ilka with Irena took second place with good run at co-op round. Kolja and Makki collected 4 bottles of „chateau de sandslash” by hitting „double triple placeosis „at pairs and co-op with Benjamin.
Sandslash is a fun/party type of tournament with 2-3 huge beach parties at the club from thursday till saturday. Thursday and Friday party can be sum up in one sentence: What happend in Debki – stays in Debki :). Saturday night was exploded by dancing with the disc, jamming on the dancefloor and full club till 6am. (Ultimate + freestyle) x party x beach = BOOM!. It was hard to leave. As far I remeber we closed the club with 5 or 10 jammers haha 🙂 – great shots of party jam were taken by GetHorizontal from Belgium.
To conclude – to feel full jamming potential of Debki you should to stay with us at least full 3-4 days – this is our advice for those of you who liked it, and want to visit Sandslash next year. In my opinion everything went quite well ,only wind conditions could be better, but thats a risk We take playing at the beach. It was first time in 6 years that hard. On monday it was much better and on tuesday – perfect. Also friday and thursday were quite good. We got a list of things to work on for next year but I feel that most of our guests understand now (after Sandslash 2014) why we do it so far on the north. This place is special. We learned alot and we feel ready to work on much bigger event next time!
Special thanks to:
– Thomas Notzel, Pavel Baranyk and Ilka Simon for spreading good word about Sandslash 2013
– Berlin Jammers for help with judging at tournament
– Notzi,Stephan,Soren,Jan,Couldwaty for a great jams in the forest
Thank You ALL for makin it happen and visiting Debki and Sandslash !!! We hope You had good time and visit us with more jammers next year !!!
Konrad Patris, Michał Maciołek and Sandslash Crew.
– freestyle and jams:
Photos by Stephan Stoll:
Photos by Kristýna Jakubovičová (and Czech Republic Jammers?):
Official Sandslash (with ultimate) photos by Agnieszka Bandurska:
– party:
Photos by Get Horizontal:
– GetHorizontal highlights:
– routines and jams:
Open Pairs Final:
1.Jakub Hosek / Phil Kruger – EX:10.60 / AI:11.70 / DIF:15.13 – TOTAL: 38.53
2.Jan Sorensen / Thomas Notzel – EX:11.40 / AI:9.60 / DIF:15.34 – TOTAL: 36.54
3.Kolja Hanneman / Markus Hein – EX:11.00 / AI:10.00 / DIF:15.33 – TOTAL: 36.33
4.Graf Mordi / Benjamin Edelmann – EX:10.60 / AI:11.70 / DIF:12.70 – TOTAL: 35.00
5.Sasha Hohne / Jan Schrek – EX:11.20 / AI:10.90 / DIF:12.73 – TOTAL: 34.83
6.Bianca Strunz / Irena Kulisanova – EX:11.10 / AI:10.30 / DIF:12.76 – TOTAL: 34.16
Co-op Final:
1.Jan Sorensen / Jakub Hosek / Phil Kruger – EX:13.50 / AI:9.80 / DIF:13.7 – TOTAL: 37.00
2.Ilka Simon / Irena Kulisanova / Bianca Strunz – EX:13.00 / AI:8.00 / DIF:12.7 – TOTAL: 33.70
3.Kolja Hanemann / Markus Hein / Benjamin Edelmann – EX:11.40 / AI:7.40 / DIF:13.3 – TOTAL: 32.10
4.Konrad Patris / Michal Maciolek / Dawid Tomiak – EX:14.80 / AI:6.00 / DIF:10.8 – TOTAL: 31.60
5.Thomas Notzel / Tobi Burzan / Jan Schrek – EX:12.20 / AI:6.40 / DIF:12.3 – TOTAL: 30.90
Spirit of the Party and Jam:
Jan Moller Sorensen